Tooth Whitening

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A simple change that can have a huge impact.

It’s a simple fact of life: as we age, our teeth do too. Our teeth darken as a result of some of the foods and beverages we enjoy: berries, beets, red wine, coffee and tea, to name a few. Tobacco, in any form, also adds stain. And then there’s the natural aging process. All of these things darken our teeth by depositing minerals and stains both on the surface of the enamel and eventually penetrating deeper into our teeth. All of this dulls your teeth and gives you a less than radiant smile. Whitening virtually erases these stains and brightens your smile, without damaging your teeth and gums.

We provide two different types of whitening. Customized trays, that fit your teeth like a glove, hold the whitening gel against your teeth. You may wear these trays for 45-60 minutes each day until you get your desired effect. You choose when and how frequently you want to whiten. A second way to whiten is through professional whitening strips, which are only available through a dentist. These strips come prepackaged and are the same potency as the customized trays, but the fit is not customized, so the whitening material is not as tightly controlled. With both systems, you’ll begin to see results after just a few sessions, and you can complete your whitening in several weeks. Depending on just how much you enjoy those foods and beverages that stain your teeth, touch-ups may be needed.

Interested in having a brighter, younger, more vibrant smile? Whitening can do this for you. It is easy, safe, and can be done in the comfort of your own home at your convenience! Ask us about it, and we’ll determine if whitening is the right choice for you.